So I grabbed a blanket....ok 4 blankets from the car and headed down to the water..... This was not going to be fun.....
My daughters teacher however was very atomistic and said....oh this will be great!!! You will see.....
I think he had lost his flipping mind!
Low and behold, there was a little pocket just around the cliff that sat on the beach that blocked all the wind! It was SOOO WARM!! And there wasn't any wind! NONE! I could not believe it. It actually got a little to warm. But let me tell you as soon and you walked around the side of the cliff..... You were almost knocked over by the wind.
We stayed there a couple of hours and then headed home. It was a great way to end the week! I feel very blessed that I got to experience this week with my daughter. It was almost like my experience too..... I never went to science camp. They don't have it back home where I am from.
Here are some pics!
Did I mention there were raccoons? Not 1 or 2 BUT 15-20!!! Mean, loud raccoons!
And my tent was right next to the hole where they came out of!!! AHHHHHHH
My daughters tent was right next to mine and they would fight right between the 2 and bounce off the tents!!
Not the highlight of my trip! LOL
Isn't this neat? My poor son was so sun burnt and as soon as we got to the beach he built this little hut to keep out of the sun! Of course he had to share! :)
After a great and eventful week it sure is good to go home!
We get raccoons in our backyard. They are such a nuisance digging up the garden for grubs. We also get the odd skunk too...eeek:)